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COVID-19 Travel Information


During these times of distress, we send our best wishes to those who have been affected by COVID-19. As the situation regarding the coronavirus is rapidly changing and the vaccine is being rolled out, we are keeping up to date with the latest health news to be sure we are operating at top capacity for our clients. As developments are made, we will continue to update this page with more information including the announcement of different country border entry requirement and preventive measures.

Your health and protection of wildlife heritage is our top priority. Our staff and all the other ground partners are well-informed on the proper protocols and safety measures being recommended by the World Health Organization to keep traveling visitors and lodge staff safe. After taking the time to ensure that our guests’ experience and safety will not be compromised with these new measures in place, Africa is ready to welcome you back as soon as international travel bans are lifted.

We are fully aware that at this point in time, international travel may currently seem daunting but we’re here to help whenever you’re ready. If your next Africa Safari is calling, here you will find new flexible booking terms and countries that are currently accepting travelers from the United States, Europe and beyond.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic it is indeed unpredictable to tell what changes may arise so we accept deposit of 20% only which is enough cater for the Gorilla tracking permits.

All trips we book now are done with utmost flexibility. You can change dates easily without additional costs in case of any eventuality even if it is a week to the starting date. We also closely monitor the events happening periodically and we shall occasionally share ideas along the way as the dates of travel approach.

Most of our guests from last year were rescheduled to 2021 and 2022 at no cost and as different countries advise on travel restrictions, select appropriate dates for their travel. In the event that the situation becomes worse or any other reason why the guest is unable to travel at all, we sell the permits and refund the deposit. Amidst all this, we are still hopeful that by the end of 2021 most countries will have secured vaccines for their people and travel will be safe.

In addition, we encourage you to take on travel insurance from companies like Campbell Irvine, an insurance provider, who might be able to assist with a bespoke policy: Find out more here. Another one we have heard of is called StaySure for travelers from the UK. Also, XCover for travelers from the USA.

Mburo Safari Lodge Mburo Safari Lodge



  • Arriving passengers are required to present a negative COVID-19 PCR test result from an accredited laboratory in their country of origin, issued within 72 hours of departure for Uganda. (Infants aged three years and under are exempt from COVID-19 negative test requirements, as long as they are accompanied by parents with COVID-19 negative certificates.)
  • All visitors must undergo temperature checks and health screening on arrival.
  • Departing travelers are advised to arrive at the airport at least four hours before their scheduled flights.
  • Passengers must present a negative COVID-19 PCR test result, issued within 120 hours of departing from Uganda.
  • Travelers will undergo temperature checks and health screening.
  • Passengers who exhibit signs and symptoms of infectious disease will be transported to an isolation center for a COVID-19 test. Results will be available within 24 to 48 hours. If foreign nationals test positive for COVID-19 and wish to be repatriated to another facility outside Uganda, they can do so at their own cost and according to COVID-19 medical evacuation protocols.
  • The nationwide curfew remains in place between 9:00pm and 6:00am, local time; social distancing of 1.5 m apart is required at all times.
  • Face masks are to be worn by all people above the age of 6 years old at all times in public places.
Mburo Safari Lodge Mburo Safari Lodge


  • All travelers arriving in to, and departing from Rwanda must be tested negative for COVID-19 within 120 hours of departure (meaning that you get tested and get results no more than 5 days before your first flight.)
  • All travelers arriving in Rwanda must have a negative COVID-19 certificate. The only accepted test is a SARS-CoV 2 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR), performed within 120 hours of departure for Rwanda. Other tests such as Rapid Diagnostics Tests (RT-PCR) are not accepted.
  • Prior to arrival, all travelers must complete the Passenger Locator Form and upload their COVID-19 test certificate via www.rbc.gov.rw/travel.
  • All travelers arriving in Rwanda will be screened upon entry and take a second RT-PCR test to confirm the negative results of the test done prior to arrival. Visitors will be required to wait about 24 hours for these test results in a designated transit hotel.
  • Within 24 hours, guests’ results will be received via SMS or email. In the event of a negative test, guests will be invited to check out and proceed on their Rwanda safari. In the event of a positive test, guests will be transported to a medical facility for medical attention, at their own cost.
  • If you are visiting any national park in Rwanda, you are required to schedule your visit within 72 hours of receiving a negative PCR test result. If your visit/s are more than 72 hours after the initial test on arrival in Rwanda, you will be required to take another COVID-19 test before visiting the parks.
  • Departing travelers are encouraged to book and pay for their tests at least 2 days prior to departure through the online platform available on www.rbc.gov.rw.
  • Preventive measures must be followed while traveling in Rwanda: physical distancing where possible; the wearing of masks is mandatory; temperature screenings before entering certain buildings are mandatory.
  • A nationwide curfew is in place between 8:00pm and 4:00am local time.
  • Face masks are to be worn by all people at all times in public places.
Mburo Safari Lodge Mburo Safari Lodge


  • Passengers arriving from countries NOT on this list (high-risk COVID-19 transmission countries) will be are required to quarantine for 14 days at a government-designated facility or at their Kenyan residence.
  • All arriving travelers must have a COVID-19 negative PCR-based certificate, obtained no later than 96 hours prior to the departure from their home country.
  • All travelers will be screened on arrival, and subject to temperature checks at the airport. Body temperatures must test below 37.5°C (99.5°F) and visitors must have no persistent cough, no difficulty breathing, and no other flu-like symptoms.
  • If there is a reported case of COVID-19 on a flight or if the above symptoms are detected, all passengers within two rows of the passenger with the symptoms will be quarantined for testing. If the test results are negative, they will be allowed to leave the facility.
  • It is mandatory for all passengers arriving in Kenya to complete the Travelers Health Surveillance Form by the Ministry of Health. The form can be found here and must be completed online prior to disembarkation. Passengers will receive a QR code after completing the form and will be required to display it to a Port Health Official to proceed through immigration.
  • Only travelers departing Kenya, whose airline or destination country requires a PCR based COVID-19 negative test will be required to use the Trusted Travel website or Global Haven www.globalhaven.org if the test certificate is from a jurisdiction where Trusted Travel is not available) to obtain a Trusted Travel code prior to departure. Full instructions of the process can be found here. (No inbound travelers to Kenya are required to use the Trusted Travel website.)
  • Strict infection prevention and control measures have to be followed: social distancing, good hand hygiene, and the wearing of masks remain mandatory.
  • Nightly curfew hours are from 10:00pm to 4:00am local time.
Mburo Safari Lodge Mburo Safari Lodge



Hand washing and sanitizing stations will be positioned strategically throughout lodges and camps for guest and staff use. Masks and appropriate protective gear will be worn by lodge staff per guest request. Heightened sanitizing protocol will be in place within rooms and guest areas for an added layer of protection.


Temperature checks and health screenings will be available for international and domestic traveling guests. In some cases, stations where guests can periodically monitor their own temperature will be implemented. Staff will be fully trained and educated on the latest health protocols by leading authorities.


Social Distancing will be encouraged throughout common areas of lodges and hotels, while dining, and while participating in safari activities. Lodges will provide ample space and seating for all guests to accommodate the required physical distancing protocols in place.


Vehicles will be sanitized thoroughly prior to every game drive. The number of passengers will be limited on shared vehicles, unless a larger group is traveling together. Exclusive-use vehicles are also available per request at additional cost. Thankfully, game drives are already considered ‘safe’, as they are held outdoors in the open air.


A variety of dining areas will be available for guests to ensure that correct physical distancing measures are observed. Private in-room dining, bush dining venues, terraces, gardens and other outdoor areas may be offered to guests for meals. Kitchen staff will wear appropriate protective items while preparing meals.


Providing guests with an enjoyable experience is a top priority, along with keeping travelers safe and healthy throughout their journey. If all guests adhere to recommended hygiene practices prior to and during their time in Africa, together we can help keep each other healthy during this time.

*All of the mentioned terms are effective for select properties and countries, and this will be discussed in detail with clients prior to confirmation of booking. World over, the COVID-19 situation is constantly changing and we will continue to keep this information updated as quickly as possible.

Mburo Safari Lodge Mburo Safari Lodge

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